How to submit assignments for CS180 (CS280A).
For each assignment, you will be required to submit two deliverables to
Gradescope (Entry Code: 57Y3YJ):
1. Your code:
For every assignment you should create a, or main.ipynb, or main.m
that can be used to run all your code for the assignment, and a README.txt
file that contains the descriptions of each code file, your name, SID,
school email, and the link to your web page submission. Submit all source
code used to generate your results, as well as the README.txt file. Please
be sure to appropriately comment your code so that the graders can
appropriately identify where your implementations lie and what they do.
2. Your webpage:
Make sure that your main report page is called index.html so
browsers open it automatically.
Make sure that you include all the images that are referenced from your
report in your zip file.
Remember not to use any absolute links to images etc,
as these will not work online. Only use relative links.
Zip up all your files and images, as well as the code and README.txt to
one zip file. You may put the code under a folder named code, alongside
the index.html.
The top (zipped) folder should include your index.html file. Do not add
any additional directories between the zipped folder and the index page,
as this will cause your website to be displayed incorrectly. Please
verify that when you unzip the submitted file, you can find the
index.html right away.
If you have problems with images not appearing on your page, check that
the permissions are correct and the filenames match your html files
(e.g. .JPG vs .jpeg).
If you are submitting the notebook file, make sure you clean the cell
outputs before submitting it. If you keep those intermediate
visualizations in the notebook it can easily become dozens of MB but
with only the code you should expect it to be less than 1MB.
For all your images shown on the web page, please save them into ".jpg"
or ".jpeg" format. You should expect hundreds of KB for a image in jpg
format (it's a compression format), but it can be dozens of MB in png
format. They look visually the same so you should always use jpg for web
page. And it's also recommended to only put medium-size (less than 1k
resolution) images on the web page so your total file size would not hit
the submission limit (100MB)
3. Suggested File structure:
Labs Available
Matlab is available on all of the Instructional UNIX and Windows
computers. All students enrolled students can get accounts
on EECS computers. Students can use any of the the labs in
Soda (UNIX) as well as 199 Cory (Windows). EECS also has login servers.
Here are some references: